Host a Student

Students who come to the U.S. on our High School Program are placed with a host family.

CETUSA host families are volunteers who provide safe and loving homes for our students during their semester or academic year in the U.S.

Students hope to be included as a part of the family and to live as American teenagers.

“We choose to host exchange students to broaden the horizons of our young children. We want them to know that the world is big with many wonderful cultures. Our boys have embraced that. They love looking at the map of the world to point out where our exchange students call home.”
– Kelly L.

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Host Family Responsibilities

Host families help to break down cultural barriers by opening their homes and their hearts to our exchange students. This brings our world closer together, one relationship at a time. Here are some of the mandatory provisions that a host family must do:

  • Provide a separate bed for the student as well as a place to study.
  • Provide family meals.
  • Provide transportation to activities and events.
  • Guide and assist their new “family member” by providing support and encouragement as they adapt to their new surroundings.
  • Share American culture as well as their own family traditions.

Students arrive with medical coverage and a monthly allowance from their natural parents that covers school expenses, toiletries, entertainment, etc.

Host Family Benefits

There are so many great benefits of hosting an exchange student.  Here are just a few:

  • The opportunity to learn first-hand about other cultures and customs.
  • The chance to become even closer to your own family while developing a lasting connection with your new exchange son/daughter.
  • Opens doors for your own children to participate in exchange programs.
  • Allows you to see your culture and traditions with new, fresh set of eyes.
  • Gives you a chance to help a young person grow into a more confident, mature and world savvy adult.
  • Gives your own child/children an edge on the future! The experience of hosting an exchange student looks great on college and employment applications!
inbound HS Rebecca Emery