From Jamaica to Tennessee is the road that Mikael Mckellop took a year ago when he decided to get his internship opportunity in the United States and the result has been a tremendous development on his hospitality skills.
“First and foremost I want to say a huge thank you to CETUSA for providing me with such a wonderful opportunity. My internship experience have been tremendous. It has been extremely beneficial to my development as a professional and I’ve learnt a lot. I am now more comfortable in making management decisions as I gain hands on experience from managers and lead cooks during my time here. In addition I’ve learnt how to make schedules, control and maintain inventory as well as organizing stock and correct storage methods”.
-What is something memorable from your cultural experience in the United States?
“I had the opportunity to learn about American culture the different Holidays and what they mean as well as how to celebrate them and make it worth while. I most say that I’m honored to experience different things such as wild life, the 4 seasons and a total different culture, this wouldn’t be possible with the aid of this program. I am absolutely elated to experience winter and autumn, because I don’t have the luxury of this back home. I enjoyed every moment of that experience especially autumn, I think it is my favorite season because it is so beautiful. I got the change to encounter with bears, it’s a life changing experience because we don’t have them in my country that’s something I will never forget, as well as the hiking trips and the opportunity to snow board and venture into other stuff my country does not have to offer. These extracurricular activities definitely enhance my internship experience and made it more memorable and worthwhile for that I am extremely grateful”.

CETUSA Internship – 2019